Housing First Auckland and Community Housing Aotearoa in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) will host a series of online training sessions for practitioners working in the housing and homelessness sector.
The training series includes updated information and new sessions on the following topics:
Session 1: Products and services to support people in private rentals
This session will include information on products and services to support accessing private rentals including Ready to Rent programme, bonds, and rent in advance. It will also cover supports to sustain private rentals including supplements and rent arrears.
Session 2: Public Housing Assessment
This session will provide an overview of how the priority rating is assessed, bedroom allocation and how letting areas impact a person’s ability to be matched.
Session 3: Employment and Training
This session will provide an overview of employment and training opportunities available to people who are receiving income support.
Session 4: Income support-benefits
This session will provide an overview of main benefits.
Session 5: Income support-supplementary assistance
This session will provide an overview of supplements and hardship payments available to support people with ongoing, and one-off, living costs.
Session 6: Emergency Housing
This session will provide an overview of emergency housing, including pathways to alternative accommodation, contributions, and support.
These sessions will be held online and are an opportunity to:
- provide relevant information to new and existing practitioners across the housing and homelessness sector
- highlighting work and income products and services, as well as anything new coming on board
- connect with regional teams across Aotearoa including Community Liaison Advisors and Regional Housing Managers
- Identify what people find is working well, and/or challenging, when dealing with MSD, with a service improvement approach.
There will be a short Q&A time included in each session. If you wish to send questions in advance, please email
Who should attend
Staff working in housing and homelessness space and supporting whānau to access Work and Income products and services.
Facilitators/ Presenters
Anne Goodall and Judith Gawler-Lata (Ministry of Social Development)
Amanda Kelly (Community Housing Aotearoa)
Rami Alrudaini (Housing First Auckland)
Date/ Time
Session 1: 10 April 2024, 9.30am
Session 2: 15 May 2024, 9.30am
Session 3: 12 June 2024, 9.30am
Session 4: 3 July 2024, 9.30am
Session 5: 14 August 2024, 9.30am
Session 6: 11 September 2024, 9.30am
Registration via CHA.
Once you register you will receive an email with your own unique Zoom link. Please ensure that you save the Zoom link and date in your diary as it does not automatically update your outlook.